Apex Team Banned from ALGS Pro League for “Social Media Behavior”

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The Ban

Team MDY Red found themselves at the center of a controversy after being banned from the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS) Pro League, just after securing their qualification for ALGS Year 4. Initially, fans speculated that the ban was a result of alleged collusion, fueled by clips circulating on the internet. However, as the dust settled, a surprising revelation emerged, challenging the assumptions made by the community.

Contrary to popular belief, a member of MDY Red came forward to clarify that the ban was not related to collusion. Instead, the team faced repercussions for alleged “engaging in prohibited behavior on social media”, coupled with allegations of “inappropriate and offensive messages.” This revelation came to light through a verified email directly from ALGS, shedding light on the true reasons behind the ban.


The nature of the prohibited social media behavior and offensive messages was not explicitly detailed, leaving fans and the community in a state of uncertainty. Complicating matters further is the fact that many members of Team MDY Red do not have widely recognized Twitter accounts, making it challenging for outsiders to independently verify the claims made against them.

The plot thickened when Apex Legends professional player “Wxltzy” from Moist Esports entered the fray. In a now-deleted tweet, Wxltzy openly accused MDY Red of being “openly racist and homophobic” after their victory. Although the tweet is no longer accessible, its existence raised questions about a potential connection between the accusations made by Wxltzy and the contents of the ALGS email received by MDY Red.


As the Apex Legends competitive scene grapples with this latest development, questions persist about the efficacy of the measures in place to address collusion and maintain fair play. The MDY Red incident serves as a reminder that the esports landscape is not only shaped by in-game performances but also by the behavior of players and teams on social media platforms.

In the absence of concrete evidence and with conflicting narratives surrounding the ban, the Apex Legends community is left to ponder the true extent of the issues leading to Team MDY Red’s exclusion from the ALGS Pro League and whether similar cases will continue to emerge in the future.

JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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