Apex Pro League Invites Have Released for ALGS Year 4

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In a thrilling turn of events for Apex Legends enthusiasts, the Esports League Ops Manager, known as “Tab,” took to Twitter today to announce that the ALGS Year 4 Pro League invites have been dispatched in the much-anticipated “First Wave.” The news has ignited a wave of excitement among fans and players, who are eager to discover which teams have secured coveted invitations to compete in this prestigious league. It seems this first wave may also include just North American pros as at the time of release, we have not confirmed other regions yet such as APAC S, APAC N, or EMEA.

The Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS) has long been a driving force in the competitive gaming scene, and the Pro League is the pinnacle of the competitive journey for many aspiring teams. With the stakes higher than ever in Year 4, the Pro League invites have been a topic of fervent discussion and speculation across the community.


It didn’t take long for players to take it to twitter and share their excitement about the future of being involved in ALGS NA Split 1 Pro League. At the time of the release, only NA pros had revealed their invite which made fans questions if NA was sent out first. The summarize the question of “who made it”, as we know for now, most all of the expected NA Pros have revealed they were invited. The “first wave” seems to be your obvious choices for Apex Pros such as nearly all Tier 1 Orgs and Pros (DOJO, TSM, Sentinels, etc.). Even though most fans expected to see the top players back, some had questions on teams like DNO (Dooplex, Lou, Caprah) and FURIA (Albralelie, Xeratricky, and Pandxrz) which did confirm they were indeed invited also in this wave.


One of the most intriguing aspects of this announcement is the fate of the controversial teams E8 and Tripods. These two squads have been at the center of debates and discussions, with fans and analysts passionately arguing about their worthiness for an invitation. It appears that the suspense surrounding these teams will continue a little longer, as the “First Wave” mentioned by Tab likely seems to only refer to the top-tier invitations on line one of “SPLIT 1 PRO LEAGUE TEAMS”. The invites regarding these two highly popular teams seems more likely for second or third “wave”.


Fans are eager to see which top-level teams will receive the initial invites, as it sets the stage for what promises to be an incredibly competitive season. Speculations and predictions are running rife on social media platforms as fans discuss their favorite teams and players who they hope will make the cut.

In the fast-evolving world of esports, Apex Legends remains at the forefront, and the Pro League is where the best of the best prove their mettle. Stay tuned for more announcements and updates, as the ALGS Year 4 Pro League promises to be an exciting journey for both players and fans alike. The “First Wave” is just the beginning, and there is much more to uncover as the competitive season unfolds.

JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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