Apex Pro TSM ImperialHal Calls for “Configs” Ban in Apex

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Hal Calls Out

TSM’s ImperialHal, a professional Apex Legends player, has called for the removal of “Configs” in the popular battle royale game, Apex Legends, due to concerns over unfair advantages. His concerns were sparked when he encountered a controller player in Ranked who was using “Configs” to perform advanced maneuvers like tapstrafe and neostrafing, actions that are typically considered impossible without these configurations in Apex Legends.

Are Configs Cheating?

“Configs” are files that store a player’s game settings and preferences in Apex Legends. They have become a contentious issue in the Apex Legends community, particularly on Steam, where players exploit them to gain an upper hand in Apex Legends. These “Configs” enable controller players to perform actions like moving while looting, tapstrafe, neostrafe, and execute movements that seem beyond their skill level in Apex Legends.

It’s essential to note that “Configs” can be used by both controller and mouse and keyboard players in Apex Legends, but they are primarily frowned upon in the controller player community due to the potential unfair advantage they offer. Many pros consider it to be cheating and even a bannable offense.

The Frustrations

The player base in Apex Legends is frustrated by this issue as it seems to tilt the balance in favor of controller players, especially when coupled with the already strong aim assist in Apex Legends. ImperialHal’s concerns are accentuated by the fact that in the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS), the use of “Configs” is strictly prohibited in Apex Legends. This inconsistency calls for uniformity in rules between ranked and competitive play in Apex Legends, ensuring a level playing field.

ImperialHal’s request to eliminate “Configs” from Apex Legends underscores the need to maintain fairness and integrity in the game. The ongoing debate in Apex Legends highlights the importance of fostering a balanced and competitive environment for all players. Given these concerns and the potential for abuse in Apex Legends, it’s essential for the Apex Legends community and the game’s developers to address the “Configs” issue to guarantee a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone in Apex Legends.

JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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