Apex Pro Luxfordy Joins Native Gaming for ALGS Year 4

Estimated read time 2 min read

In an exciting development for the Apex Legends competitive scene, Luxfordy, popularly known as “Lux” or Luxford, has officially joined the Native Gaming ALGS roster for the remainder of Split 1 pro league. Luxford’s journey in Year 4 of ALGS began as a key member of the Meat Lovers roster, where he played alongside long-time Apex competitor Teq during the first half of the pro league this split.

The decision for Luxford and Teq to part ways marked another turning point in Luxford’s professional career, leading him to explore new opportunities in the Apex competitive scene in NA.

Luxford’s reputation as a skilled player and valuable teammate has always garnered attention, and in just a couple weeks after his departure from Meat Lovers, Native Gaming has seized the opportunity to welcome him into their fold after their release of Mamba just recently.

Today’s announcement, made by the team’s coach Braydon, confirmed Luxford’s inclusion in the Native Gaming roster. This move adds a new dynamic to the team, bringing together Luxford’s skills and experience with established Apex veterans Clane and Rambeau. This trio aims to make a strong impact on the remaining weeks in Split 1 looking to showcase their combined talent and understanding of competitive Apex Legends leading to the culmination of the Split 1 finals and LAN.

Luxford’s transition to Native Gaming signifies not only a fresh start for the talented player but also an exciting chapter for the team. With the fusion of Luxford’s individual strengths and Clane & Rambeau’s existing chemistry, Native Gaming looks poised to deliver thrilling gameplay and strategic plays that could potentially reshape the outcome for the team in the second half of ALGS Split 1 in year 4.

JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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