New Apex Org “Legends Gaming” Enters ALGS Year 4 Signing Top 3 Roster

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Legends Gaming

In a groundbreaking move within the competitive world of Apex Legends, the newly formed organization “Legends Gaming” has announced its entry by signing the formidable roster “BLKHVND.” This roster, consisting of players StrafingFlame, EzFlash, and PlayerKay, made a significant mark by securing the 3rd position in the World Championship for ALGS Year 3.

Owner’s Comment

In an exclusive interview with the staff at Legends Gaming, we delved into their rationale behind choosing this team and their long-term strategy. The organization revealed that their substantial success in a non-gaming business sector serves as a strong foundation for their venture into Apex Legends. According to Legends Gaming, they are committed to the long haul in the competitive gaming scene.

When asked about the specific choice of StrafingFlame, EzFlash, & PlayerKay, Legends Gaming expressed confidence in their roster’s potential to dethrone established teams like TSM. The organization states “We reviewed loads of rosters; this one is the one we believe has a true shot of dethroning TSM.”

No Controllers

What sets this roster apart is the respect fans have for this team to use three mouse and keyboard players, a rare strategy in a scene where most rosters have transitioned to include at least one controller player. Hailing from the highly respected APAC South region, Legends Gaming is noted as the finest team in the region, poised for a stellar year ahead.

Smartest Signing

Legends Gaming’s decision to sign former BLKHVND Apex roster is being regarded as one of the smartest moves of the ALGS Year 4 Preseason. By acquiring a roster that has already demonstrated its prowess on the global stage, Legends Gaming ensures a clear path to LAN and Championship events. The APAC South region, though respected, is often considered less challenging to qualify in compared to regions like North America. By having a top 3 global team, it’s nearly promised they will make a big name for themselves.

Former BLKHVND’s achievements speak for themselves – not only did they secure a remarkable 3rd place at the World Championship, but they also clinched the top spot during the winners bracket at the same event. This team’s consistency and performance mark them as serious contenders and not merely a one-time success.

The Future

Legends Gaming is a new organization entirely so show your support by following their socials as they embark on this new journey with their Apex Legends investment! For fans of Apex Legends and the esports community, Legends Gaming’s entry and the acquisition of BLKHVND promise an exciting and competitive ALGS Year 4. As the team gears up for the challenges ahead, we wish Legends Gaming the best of luck in their pursuit of greatness in the world of Apex Legends. Get ready for a thrilling season!


My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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