Apex Oxygen Esports Coach Hosts Free ALGS Fundamentals Class for Community

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In a cool move that’s all about educating and helping others in the competitive world of gaming, Oxygen Esports’ Apex Legends coach, Psykho, is hooking up enthusiasts with a golden chance to level up their skills. Psykho is offering a free class on “Apex competitive fundamentals”, letting gamers tap into the secrets of a real Pro League coach.

This free class, going down in the TELUS Discord community, is Psykho and TELUS way of partnering together in order to give back to the gaming fam that’s had his back in his pro journey. The goal is simple – help players step up their game in the fierce world of Apex Legends.

What Will Be Covered

Psykho’s classes will cover everything from smart gameplay strategies and tight communication skills to how to make killer decisions, both solo and as part of a squad. The concept here is to teach the community the all around “Apex Competitive Fundamentals” and will even have a Q&A for players to get personal help. With Psykho bringing in his deep coaching experience from Oxygen Esports, participants, especially those just starting out, are in for some seriously next-level insights.

Where You Can Join

Choosing TELUS’ Discord for these classes shows Psykho’s commitment to keeping things chill and open. The Discord platform lets gamers chat directly with the coach, making it a space for learning, asking questions, and connecting with other players hungry for Apex greatness. For those itching to jump in, Psykho’s made it easy with this link: https://bit.ly/PlayWithPsykho.

The Community

What makes Psykho’s move stand out is how it’s not just about skills; it’s about building a stronger Apex Legends community. By sharing his expertise for free, Psykho isn’t just playing the game; he’s becoming a mentor and teammate, showing others that the gaming world is about lifting each other up.

JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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