TSM Manager MinusTempo Says LEGEND & WEAPON Bans Could Be “Possibility” for ALGS

Estimated read time 2 min read


During a recent live stream, TSM’s manager, MinusTempo, dropped a bombshell by suggesting that Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS) could see the possibility of Apex adding legend and weapon bans. This potential change has the esports community buzzing with excitement, though it also promises to be a contentious subject of debate.


The idea of banning certain Legends and Weapons is not new in the world of competitive gaming. Games like League of Legends and Rainbow Six Siege have successfully incorporated such bans to spice up gameplay, introduce strategic diversity, and keep things interesting. Although it would have to be much different for Apex given it’s massive 60 player count per lobby.

The benefits of this concept are clear. It would make the competitive scene more dynamic, encouraging strategic thinking and adaptability. Additionally, it would enhance the viewing experience, providing unpredictable and suspenseful matches that attract more fans and sponsors.


Nonetheless, this proposal isn’t without challenges. Maintaining game balance and addressing concerns about fairness and accessibility will be crucial. Deciding which Legends or Weapons should be eligible for bans will undoubtedly spark debates.

While the implementation of Legend and Weapon bans in the ALGS remains uncertain, MinusTempo’s comments have sparked a captivating conversation in the Apex Legends community. It reflects the ongoing evolution and innovation in the world of competitive gaming. Keep an eye out for further developments as Apex Legends continues to shape the future of esports.

JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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