Apex Team Burger Returns to ALGS Year 4

Estimated read time 2 min read

World Champion Sharky

In the heart of the competitive Apex Legends scene in the ALGS APAC South Region, a familiar name stirred excitement and nostalgia among fans – Team Burger was making a comeback. The team that had once captured the hearts of many fans years ago with their LAN performance is now ready to leave its mark on ALGS Year 4.

The story began with recent developments in the roster of players Shadi, Wey, and Prycyy. As the trio navigated through ALGS APAC South region, a surprising twist emerged. ALGS Year 2 Champion Sharky, who had seemingly taken a break from the competitive scene, made a grand return months ago. Fans caught glimpses of him in action during the open PSQ, playing under the banner of team TYK (Tom Yung Kangaroo).

Team Burger

The buzz around Sharky’s return intensified when Apex Pro Prycyy announced a significant change in the team dynamics. Prycyy and Wey, having reached a mutual agreement, decided to part ways with Shadi. This left an open spot in their roster, and fans were excited to see it was World Champion Sharky who would be joining.

Team Burger is now back in action. Joining the ranks of Wey and Prycyy was none other than the returning champion, Sharky. The triumphant return of Team Burger brought a wave of excitement to the Apex Legends community, as fans celebrated the reunion of two-thirds of the iconic roster.


While the original Team Burger was incomplete without its core member, Emtee, who had taken on new responsibilities leading Moist Esports in the NA region, fans were content with the prospect of witnessing the reunion of Prycyy, the legendary Sharky, and their third teammate Wey.

Team Burger Roster From Liquipedia

As Team Burger gears up for ALGS Year 4, the community wishes them the best of luck. The return of this fan-favorite team promised to add a touch of nostalgia and a dash of new energy to the competitive Apex Legends scene. The stage is set for an exciting chapter in the ALGS APAC South Region, and fans eagerly awaited the unfolding of Team Burger’s comeback story.

JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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