Apex Pros Now Pushing For KINGS CANYON over OLYMPUS for ALGS Year 4 Map

Estimated read time 3 min read

In the dynamic world of competitive Apex Legends, the ongoing debate over map selection for ALGS Year 4 has reached a fever pitch. While viewers have found the introduction of Olympus refreshing in the ALGS scrim sets, players have expressed their dissatisfaction with the new addition to the competitive map pool. It seems that the consensus among professional players is shifting towards the possibility of Kings Canyon replacing Olympus in the upcoming ALGS season.


The recent statement from popular streamer and pro player NiceWigg only intensified the anticipation and speculation regarding the new map for Year 4. He confirmed that “ALGS is 100% getting a new map for Year 4,” raising questions about which map will eventually make the cut.

Although NiceWigg once said Olympus was refreshing for the viewers, he also seems to agree with pros that “Olympus is NOT the map to add.”


Olympus, despite its stunning visuals and unique layout, has faced mixed reviews from professional players. While some have adapted to its challenges, many have voiced their frustration. Xera, a pro player for FURIA, made it clear that he is open to a new map, saying, “I’m fine with a 3rd/replacement map for ALGS, but it should definitely not be Olympus.” This sentiment was echoed by RKN, a pro player for Sentinels, who tweeted, “Another day, another horrible Olympus experience” after recent scrim matches.

However, amidst the overall dissatisfaction, there are two notable exceptions among professional players who have expressed their liking for Olympus. Albralelie from FURIA and Teq from MEAT LOVERS seem to be among the few who enjoy Olympus. Albralelie humorously pointed out, “Me and Teq being the only two players that like Olympus is probably not a good sign 😂.”


Despite the players’ clamor for a change, it’s essential to consider that Electronic Arts (EA) has actively sought feedback on Olympus and expressed excitement about pros playing on it. This suggests that the momentum may still be in favor of Olympus remaining in the map rotation.

As the Apex Legends competitive scene evolves, the debate over the map selection for ALGS Year 4 continues to simmer. While the majority of professional players may be leaning towards Kings Canyon over olympus, the final decision ultimately lies with the organizers and the game’s developers. Apex Legends fans and competitors alike eagerly await the official announcement to see which map will become the battleground for Year 4 of the ALGS.

Apex Pros Now Pushing For KINGS CANYON over OLYMPUS for ALGS Year 4 Map

Should Olympus Be Added to ALGS?

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JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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