Apex Pro “TylerFPS” Dropped from E6 ALGS Year 4 Roster

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In a surprising turn of events, prominent Apex Legends professional player, Tyler “TylerFPS” Wood, has announced his departure from Pro Team Element 6 (E6). Tyler took to Twitter today to share the news with his fans, revealing that he had been benched by E6 staff and is now actively exploring new opportunities for the upcoming ALGS Year 4.

What Happened?

The decision came as a shock to many, as TylerFPS had been an integral part of E6’s Apex Legends roster for a significant period. However, in his candid social media post, he accepted full responsibility for the benching, stating that it was “completely my fault.”

TylerFPS explained that his troubles began when his long-time duo, known as “slayers,” departed from the team following ALGS Championships. This sudden change had a profound impact on Tyler’s passion for the game. His desire to play Apex Legends began to wane, and he found himself struggling with a growing disinterest.

“Poor Attitude”

Regrettably, this decline in enthusiasm led to what he termed an “attitude” towards the game and his teammates. It was this attitude shift that prompted the E6 staff to intervene. In an effort to help TylerFPS regain his form and motivation, they requested that he take a one-week break from competitive play.

TylerFPS complied with the break and spent his time playing casually during this period. However, upon his return, it became evident to both him and the E6 staff that the team’s synergy and chemistry were not aligning as expected. Consequently, they decided to bench TylerFPS, signaling an end to his tenure with Pro Team Element 6. Tyler takes full responsibility in his recent post on X.

What’s Next?

Despite this setback, TylerFPS remains resolute in his determination to continue his professional Apex Legends career. As he explores new options for ALGS Year 4, fans and fellow players are eagerly awaiting his next move. The Apex Legends esports scene is ever-evolving, and TylerFPS’s skills and experience are sure to attract interest from other teams seeking to bolster their rosters.

The departure of TylerFPS from Element 6 marks a significant turning point in his career, and it remains to be seen which team will be fortunate enough to have him as part of their Apex Legends lineup. Regardless of the outcome, the Apex Legends community will undoubtedly be watching closely as this talented pro embarks on a new chapter in his competitive journey.

JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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