Apex DarkZero’s ALGS Year 4 Roster Update: A Rumor Sparks Excitement

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The Two Candidates

As the ALGS Year 4 season looms on the horizon, the Apex Legends community is buzzing with anticipation, thanks to an enticing rumor surrounding DarkZero’s roster update. While it’s essential to remember that this update remains unconfirmed, it’s undeniable that DarkZero is making moves to secure a formidable roster and it seems 2 specific players are at the forefront.

Sources within the esports realm have hinted that DarkZero is narrowing its search to two standout players: “zaptoh” and “koyful.” Both these players have established themselves as skilled competitors, raising the stakes for DarkZero’s potential roster.


Zaptoh, a former player for the MEAT LOVERS, is one of the leading candidates for DarkZero’s third slot. His availability became apparent after MEAT LOVERS recently announced the departure of their third player, creating a buzz in the community about his next destination. With his experience and skill set, zaptoh could be the missing puzzle piece for DarkZero.


However, DarkZero could possibly be setting their sights on Koyful, hailing from Team Sentinels. While some sources suggest Zaptoh, another sources strongly claims that Koyful will be the new player for team DarkZero.

Keep In Mind

While one rumor suggest that zaptoh might be the favored choice, It is important to note that nothing is set in stone. The world of esports is dynamic, with unexpected twists and turns. Koyful remains a contender, and DarkZero could surprise everyone with their final decision.


In the world of competitive gaming, roster changes are common, and players’ journeys through various teams often lead to exciting new combinations. As the ALGS Year 4 approaches, fans and enthusiasts alike eagerly await official announcements from DarkZero to confirm the speculations surrounding their roster update.

The Apex Legends community should stay tuned for updates as DarkZero’s decision unfolds. Regardless of whether zaptoh or koyful ultimately joins the team, one thing is certain: the ALGS Year 4 season promises to be thrilling, with DarkZero making a move to solidify their position among the elite teams in the competitive Apex Legends scene.

JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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