ALGS Team LEGACY Not Signing to Liquid or G2, New Org Joins Conversation

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After much anticipation and speculation, it seems that the professional Apex Legends team Legacy has finally found a home in the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS). Yesterday we reported that sources surfaced claiming that either Team Liquid or G2 Esports were the likely contenders to sign the talented squad. However, further investigation has thrown a curveball into the mix, leaving fans wondering if another organization entirely is set to make its mark in the Apex scene.

Initial rumors pointed towards the possibility of Legacy joining the ranks of G2. Often with such speculation, it’s wise to approach it with caution. Despite murmurs of G2 Esports’ interest in entering the Apex arena, the team’s manager, Rob, swiftly debunked these claims, leaving fans to reconsider their predictions.

Nevertheless, amidst the uncertainty, there’s good news on the horizon. Additional sources have confirmed, that Team Liquid is indeed staging a comeback in the competitive Apex Legends scene. Sources told us, “yeah I’m not sure about G2 but I know 100% that Team Liquid has been planning to come back as well”.

However, the latest twist in the Legacy saga suggests that the team may be opting for a different route altogether. According to our sources, Legacy is potentially in talks with a non-North American organization, hinting at a fresh dynamic in the Apex esports landscape. Some rumors suggest it could be Team Vitality or KRUEsports.

One user pointed out that LEGACY recently followed eSports organization Virtue Pro (VP) on social media which surely draws speculation that it might be them.

While specifics remain elusive at this time, the prospect of Legacy joining forces with an international entity opens up a world of possibilities for both the team and the broader competitive scene.

These organizations returning isn’t just because of EA’s new partnership program. It is likely because of the Saudi Arabia esports World Cup.

Be sure to stay tuned for more updates on Legacy and its future.


My name is Austin, also known as Lumpy. I am a involved in all things Apex and ALGS.

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