Pro Apex Teams TSM & OXG Publicly DISPUTE over ALGS Year 4 Contest

Estimated read time 3 min read

In the adrenaline-fueled world of Apex Legends esports, drama is never too far away. The latest chapter in the unfolding saga of the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS) sees two giants of the competitive scene, TSM and OXG (Oxygen Esports), locked in a bitter dispute over contested Points of Interest (POIs). This clash has sent shockwaves through the community and raised questions about entitlement, practicality, legacy, and the future of ALGS Year 4.


For those unfamiliar with the world of Apex Legends esports, a “contest” refers to the practice of multiple teams dropping into the same POI at the beginning of a match, aiming to secure the valuable loot, strategic positioning, and convenience that a particular location offers. Contesting a POI can be a high-risk, high-reward strategy, and it’s not uncommon for teams to engage in heated battles for control.

What makes this particular contest so compelling is that OXG wasn’t merely challenging any team; they set their sights on TSM, the reigning world champions and fan favorites for Olympus top POI “Energy Depot”, and Worlds Edge top POI “Lava Siphon”. In recent scrimmages, TSM has secured a dominant 6-2 contest record, prompting the drama to spill over onto social media.

Raven, the coach of TSM, kicked things off with a tweet: “Maybe after we win 500 LANs, put on the front cover of People Magazine, and get the Nobel Peace Prize personally handed to us by a resurrected Nelson Mandela would be stop being contested? What do u guys think” It was a bold statement, reflective of the team’s storied history and championship wins.

However, Thordansmash, the team manager for OXG, didn’t back down. He responded merely that TSM is not entitled to a POI just because of their accolades. This retort ignited a fierce debate within the Apex Legends community, with fans and fellow competitors taking sides.

The drama between TSM and OXG raises several intriguing questions for ALGS Year 4. Is TSM’s legacy enough to claim uncontested POIs, or should they be prepared to defend their territory like any other team? Should a team’s past accomplishments grant them certain privileges, or should every squad be on an equal footing, fighting for their spot in the ever-evolving Apex Legends competitive landscape?

ALGS Year 4

OXG player “Reedz” said recently on reddit they had no plans to back down, which excites fans further to see this storyline continue to build up over the coming months.

This storyline has captured the attention of Apex Legends fans worldwide, and anticipation is building for how it will play out in future tournaments. As ALGS Year 4 unfolds, this clash of titans promises to be one of the most captivating storylines, showcasing the fierce competition and unrelenting spirit that define the world of Apex Legends esports.

In the end, whether TSM or OXG prevails in this contest drama remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: ALGS Year 4 is shaping up to be a thrilling season filled with surprises, rivalries, and unforgettable moments for fans of competitive Apex Legends.


My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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