TSM ALGS Manager Says New Features for Apex Customs Coming “Sooner Than You Think”

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In an exciting development for Apex Legends enthusiasts, the ALGS Player Manager for TSM, known as “MinusTempo,” has recently hinted at the arrival of new features for Apex Custom lobbies, stating that they’re “coming kinda sooner than you think. Well maybe not sooner than you think but it is coming. They are working on it.” This revelation has ignited speculation among fans about what these eagerly awaited features might entail, raising hopes for a brighter future for competitive players and devoted Apex fans alike.


MinusTempo’s cryptic but promising announcement comes in the wake of Respawn’s efforts to enhance the Apex Legends experience. He suggested that Respawn had actively solicited feedback from the community, asking “what they could do better.” In response, MinusTempo and his team at TSM appear to be diligently compiling a list of potential improvements to present to the developers.


Fans have begun to circulate assumptions and wish lists for these impending changes. Some of the most frequently mentioned desires include an improved observer mode, granting fans and competitive players a better way to follow the action, and access to more comprehensive in-game statistics to further understand and analyze their performance. Moreover, fans are enthusiastic about the possibility of gaining greater control over custom lobbies, which could allow for customization of spawn rates for weapons, items, and loot – a feature that could have far-reaching implications for competitive play and content creation. The specific features coming at this time are unknown.

Regardless of the specifics, one thing is clear: the Apex Legends community is eagerly anticipating these forthcoming updates. MinusTempo’s assurance that they are “coming” soon has stoked excitement and intrigue, leaving fans eager to witness the evolution of Apex Legends and the potential for a more dynamic and engaging gaming experience. Stay tuned, as the Apex Legends world braces itself for the arrival of these game-changing features “sooner than you think.”

JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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