Cover Stories

Apex Pro Enemy to Leave Disguised ALGS Roster

Estimated read time 2 min read

In a candid stream, Apex Legends pro player Enemy announced his eventual departure from the ALGS team Disguised following the upcoming Champs LAN. His transparent [more…]

Cover Stories

ALGS Split 2 Mid-Season Rostermania in NA

Estimated read time 2 min read

The North American ALGS scene has witnessed a flurry of mid-season roster changes over the past week, significantly altering the landscape of the competition. These [more…]

Cover Stories

Apex Pro iiTzTimmy Leaves Disguised to Join Not Moist for ALGS

Estimated read time 2 min read

In a surprising turn of events, popular streamer, and professional Apex Legends player iiTzTimmy has announced his departure from the Disguised roster to join Not [more…]