Apex Controversy as TeQ Faces Exclusion from ALGS Pro League Scrims

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What’s Going On?

In the competitive world of Apex Legends (ALGS), the battle extends beyond the virtual realm as recent events have sparked controversy between Teq, the in-game leader of ALGS Pro League team Meat Lovers, and TSM player manager Minustempo. The dispute revolves around Teq’s exclusion from scrims hosted by Minustempo, raising questions about fairness, priority, and the influence of team performance on participation as we approach ALGS Year 4.

The Decision and Teq’s Frustration:

The catalyst for the conflict emerged when Teq noticed that his team was not eligible for participation in scrims, reportedly for their “poor performance” that landed them in 20th place. This decision left Teq furious, as he believes it stems from a larger rivalry between Meat and TSM, particularly concerning contested areas like Lightning Rod and Lava Siphon.

Teq expressed his discontent on Twitter, emphasizing the disparity in treatment between Pro League (PL) teams and pre-season qualifier (PSQ) teams. He argued that PL teams should take precedence in scrims, especially over a PSQ team, and criticized the decision-making process that seemingly ignored the opinions of the players involved.

MinusTempo Responds:

The dispute escalated when Minustempo responded on Twitter, defending his decision and expressing frustration at the questioning of his integrity. He asserted that the exclusion was based on performance and not personal bias, stating also that TSM was successful before his involvement and didn’t require any special treatment to secure victories. MinusTempo has been a positive figure in the community for sometime which makes it hard for some to believe that there was any ill intent.

A poll conducted by Minustempo further added fuel to the fire, seeking public opinion on whether a poorly-performing PL team or a successful PSQ team should receive priority in scrims. The poll aimed to gauge community sentiment on the matter. Fans seem to believe that Teq is right, pro League teams should simply have priority for pro league scrims, even over PSQ teams that are over achieving.

Scrims Hosted by Teams:

A Point of Contention: One of the underlying issues brought to light by a commenter on Teq’s tweet was the practice of teams hosting scrims. The question raised the possibility of bias when former players or community members are responsible for organizing scrims. The implication is that impartiality could be compromised, potentially leading to situations where personal rivalries impact decisions, as seen in the Teq-Minustempo feud. However, Oversight (the scrim hosts) is a company founded by MinusTempo in his own affairs. One could argue that it’s not exactly TSM hosting the scrims and playing bias nor would they feel the need to after recent successes.


The ongoing controversy surrounding Teq’s exclusion from scrims sheds light on the complexities and challenges within the competitive Apex Legends community. Questions about fairness, priority, and the influence of personal dynamics in esports underscore the need for transparent and impartial organization of scrims. As the esports landscape evolves, addressing these issues becomes crucial to maintaining the integrity of the competitive scene and ensuring a level playing field for all teams involved.

JMeyels https://twitter.com/jmeyels

My Name is Miles, also known as JMeyels in the Apex Legends community. I am an Apex Legends News YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers and currently over 10,000 subscribers for the ALGS News Coverage.

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