Cover Stories

Apex Team RIDDLE New ALGS Year 4 Roster

Estimated read time 3 min read

Releasing MiaK and 1tappy In the world of competitive esports, team dynamics and player rosters are in a constant state of flux. The quest for [more…]

Cover Stories

Apex New Roster Forms in APAC North for ALGS Year 4

Estimated read time 3 min read

In the ever-evolving landscape of competitive Apex Legends, the APAC North region has witnessed a significant upheaval recently with the split and subsequent roster drops [more…]

Cover Stories

Fnatic Releases Apex Legends Roster After a Stellar Year 3 in ALGS

Estimated read time 1 min read

In a surprising move, the renowned professional esports team Fnatic has announced the release of their core Apex Legends roster, allowing players @Meltstera, @UmichanLoveti, and [more…]